
Monday, March 31, 2014

I am still alive and teaching...with STICKERS!

Well I know it has been a while and I am not sure I have any really good excuse for why I have not blogged for a long time other than pure laziness and grad class overload. So now that I have tried to explain myself let me tell you about my latest success: STICKERS! Now we all remember the days of kindergarten and how hard we all worked for those super cool and awesome stickers our teachers would give out, well I'm bringing it back to my high school classes. I bought these sparkly smile face stickers on sale at Staples for like $1.50 a package so I may have enough to last me my entire career but oh well. 
I use these as nothing more than rewards when my students raise their hands and answer questions or have a super answer on a JENGA post-it (see my prior blog post for how to use JENGA in your room). The students have become obsessed with these cute little stickers so much to the point that they requested a chart to track who had the most stickers in each class. It has become a challenge and a game to them to try their hardest on all the questions so they can out do their friends and get more stickers. 

This is one of the charts I have up and you can see many of them are in a tight race and others are a little less excited (Rikki, Noah and Dyllan have their own chart in a notebook that they keep them all together). I must say for the most part my students are working hard to answer better on all their conclusion questions and beg to play JENGA every day just so they can get some stickers. I had no idea when I started this that they would love it so much and I hope your kids love it as much as mine do! 

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